16 Yip trip covers & whacky characters

would you like to meet the design minds which help create young Yip Trip's design world - GREBNEZIUM,  design guru's like the man from wooloomooloo , the yingal yangal yak , the ding dang dingo, the minkus monkus , the mung chin bear, the knocked head lion and many more delightful design minded characters,  which work incredibly hard towards creating sustainable design ideals for the future.
book 1 - "yip trip and the incredible light machine" is somewhere further on in this blog, the rest of the design books 2 -16 are in a very secret design vault awaiting a time capsule release - to be only sent to children and adults who are serious about designing a better future for us all.

well much  better than the one that has been currently bish bash boshed out by the current set of box thinking limited old design minds. 

Design minds that perhaps could have done a much better job really. so its all up to you now and Yip Trips whacky buddies to actually do a much better job than the fuddy duddys who have led us to this exact design point in history. A history point undeniably very challenging and ready to be improved on by YOU. 

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